My mission is to help busy professionals like you appreciate their own value and to build their dream life while feeling content and fulfilled.​

About Me
I am originally from Bulgaria, a small, beautiful country in Eastern Europe. I came to the USA with my husband and our firstborn son, then 18 months old, to complete our specialty training in anesthesiology after graduating from Medical school. Growing up I was always reminded that I should take everybody’s wellbeing into consideration before my own; that my priorities lie with others; that I should do the job well and never expect a reward; I should be humble and await recognition. I did so to the best of my abilities - I worked hard at the hospital, I used my personal time to work on different projects, was constantly rushing to meet my children’s needs, and took overnight calls to be able to attend their school activities. I kept giving, providing, meeting everybody’s expectations, and fulfilling their needs.
My Wake Up Call
One day, as I was quickly approaching “empty nester” status, I realized that I was everything others wanted me to be, but in the process, I lost sight of who I wanted to be. What were my dreams and desires? Was I brave enough to even trust myself anymore? On the surface, it looked like I had it all: two wonderful sons who were on paths to doing great things in life, a successful marriage of over 30 years, a strong academic career, but inside I felt lost and empty. I had no passion, I was scared, disappointed, and discouraged. The question “What defines me” was my wake-up call.
What Defines Me?
What defines me? This was the question I kept asking myself as I made my first steps toward self rediscovery. “I am a pediatric anesthesiologist” was my first thought. A second later my brain went into a downward spiral of self-judgment and feeling of guilt- “Is that really who you are?”, what about “I am a mother, I am a wife, I am a daughter, and a friend”? Indeed I am all of these things and probably even more, but sadly I felt insignificant and underachieved. Year after year while meeting others' expectations I kept moving further and further away from myself. I lost my purpose and my passion.
The Power of Coaching
Joining Self-coaching scholars by the LCS showed me the way. I learned how to get my power back and live my life on purpose. I took the time to look inside myself and to chase my dreams and desires again. For years I believed that I lacked creativity and uniqueness. I always followed in the steps of others because I didn’t believe in myself or my potential. That was the old me. Today I know how to set boundaries, I know what loving myself looks like, I trust myself because I learned how to go after my goals and achieve them. I walked the road, learned, and grew into the best version of myself.
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Achieving clarity, fulfillment, and sense of belonging.


Who you are now and who you want to be in the future; do you feel lost, do you wonder who is the person in the mirror?


Find your inner balance, trust yourself, be in control of your feelings, create the results you want.


Care for others starts with care for self. Together we will build your desired future by nurturing your confidence and strengths.